La storia di Naveed, "Come posso dimenticare" ?

  • di Redazione Il Solidale
  • 26 set 2018
  • Migrantes 2.0

La storia di Naveed, "Come posso dimenticare" ?

Il mio nome è Hafiz Naveed Afzal. Ero un fotografo in Libia in contatto col Pakistan. Sono venuto dal Pakistan il 20/01/2012 e sono arrivato in Libia quel giorno e ho iniziato a lavorare il 21/01/2012. E ho ottenuto un buon lavoro. Ho anche la mia famiglia con me. Abbiamo Affittato una casa, era 450 lbd e abbiamo iniziato la vita con un nuovo lavoro insieme a mia moglie e mia figlia di 2 anni. Ero molto felice e il mio lavoro era abbastanza buono e con il mio lavoro era molto felice, mi sono comprato una macchina e ora eravamo più felici. Avevo un giorno alla settimana libero e mia figlia era ora in grado di andare a scuola e siamo entrati nella sua scuola media pachistana inglese, vicino a Tripoli. I giorni trascorrevano felici. Nostra figlia era veloce nell’ apprendimento, e la situazione in Libia era di gran lunga migliore. Il mio lavoro è stato buono. La figlia era molto brava a scuola e gli insegnanti erano molto felici di trascorrere del tempo con lei. Ma durante il 2016, la situazione in Libia era sempre peggiore. Ogni giorno sempre combattimenti. La legge della casa era finita. Ogni giorno eravamo preoccupati per le condizioni di combattimento. Il tempo passò, e un giorno ricevetti un messaggio con su scritto: "dai diecimila rupie, o rapiremo tua figlia da scuola, e il giorno dopo lasciammo la Libia per raggiungere l'Italia con un viaggio molto difficile durato 18 ore su una barca molto piccola .Dopo una navigazione di due giorni, siamo stati mandati nella città costiera d'Italia, e dopo tutto la polizia e le altre agenzie sono state di grande aiuto, ci hanno dato un campo per stare insieme a tutti coloro che erano stati in viaggio con noi. Mia figlia frequenta la scuola regolarmente da quando ci hanno portato in un nuovo campo e quest'anno ha avuto dei bei voti e ora andrà in quarta elementare. Ora Allah ci ha dato un figlio, e ora siamo molto felici. Grazie a Dio I nostri documenti sono quasi completati fino ad ora, il secondo sarà completato a novembre di quest’anno. Sono grato a chi ci ha aiutato.


The story of Naveed

How do i store in my storage?
my name is Hafiz Naveed Afzal. I was a photographer in Libya in connection with work from Pakistan. I came from Pakistan on 20/01/2012 and came to Libya on that day and I started working on 21/01/2012. And I got a good job. I got my family too. We rent home, it was 450 lbd and we started life with new job and my wife and a daughter with me 2 years old. I was very happy that my work was good enough my job was very happy, he bought me a car now we were more happy now a day a week in holiday there was a lot oh life going on vacation on vacation as well, and my daughter was now able to go to school and we entered her school in the school, Pakistan’s English medium school, near Tripoli, now our engagement and more he was leaving the school early in the morning and got back in the Anna Ana interview with him. The days were very good and very good. Now our daughter was fast in the clasrrom in the last year, and the situation in Libya was far better. My work was good. The daughter was very good at the school class, the teachers were very happy to spend time with them very fast during 2016, the situation in Libya was worse and worse. Every day, Aman Aman was almost over. The law of the house was over. Every day we were worried about firing and fighting conditions. The time passed, and one day I received a message, a Labyrinth Adami said “ give ten thousand rupees, either we will kidnap your daughter from school, and then we leave Italy on the next day, and one night in the sea and the treetare very difficult. After the latest travel 18 hour sea boat was spent on a boat in the sea, and a further protest has helped. After going to the sea for two days, we were dispatched to the coastal city of Italy, and after all the police and other agencies were reconsidered with it, we were give a refresher camp to stay together with this team. The girl could enter English school, English and Arabic acrobatic language, she could write a lot of books in school very early and began to study that my daughter was very well schoolgirl and this year many classes have been passed in the class and after one year of this camp, Abhim has shifted to another place. Or is there a holiday in school? My daughter has gone through a very nice salty this year, and now she will go to school in 4 classes. Now Allah has give us a son, and now we are very happy. Thank God very much but Abha Our documents are not completed till now, the second will be completed in noveber this year, as well as the thanks giving governments are thankful.

Naveed Afzal